How does it work?

We raise money through direct donations and merch sales from our partner, Other People Fund. The revenue from Other People Fund is used to cover the cost of the merch and business expenses, then the rest is donated to SFTP. We use all donations to pay for therapy for our applicants.

How do applicants receive funds?

We work directly with applicants and their therapy providers to cover the cost of three therapy sessions (or up to $300). The payment process can differ slightly between individual applicants as we work to create the easiest process for everyone. We can also work with applicants to reimburse the cost of online therapy sessions.

How are applicants selected?

Our application process asks questions to determine who is eligible to receive therapy aid. Those who are financially needy are prioritized to receive aid first. We take into account factors like income, number of dependents, insurance and student status when choosing applicants.

I am a provider, how can I get involved?

We would love to work with you to help support your clients, please send an email to suppforthepsyche@gmail.com to connect! Thanks for doing what you do.

How can I donate to the cause?

Thanks for your support! You can donate to Support for the Psyche directly on this site or by purchasing merchandise from our partner, Other People Fund.

Why does SFTP cover three therapy sessions?

We cover the cost of three therapy sessions (or up to $300) per applicant because we want to make sure anyone seeking therapy can get started with an assist from SFTP. We believe that three sessions are a good enough gauge to get to know a provider and see if you are interested in pursuing ongoing treatment. We would never want to set someone up with one session and leave them hanging without getting a feel for what is right for them!

How can I get involved?

If you are looking to volunteer with SFTP, please drop us a line @ suppforthepsyche@gmail.com

Still have questions?

Email suppforthepsyche@gmail.com for answers!